Time for a New Post

Any Thoughts?


Anonymous said...


Dana's 2nd Ex said...

Great new topic. With that said, it didn't take long for the new news faux4 anchor to start dating one of their camera guys.

Anonymous said...

I encourage those reading this blog to take the opportunity to congratulate Philip Klein on the soon arrival of his first grandson, Cameron Rogers Gear. He'll be a handful.

Anonymous said...

What a fine legacy his grandfather has given the little guy. He is ruined for life and not even born yet.

Anonymous said...

Ok BG, I'll congrat Philip- that was quick- married in february.

Anonymous said...

Oh Philip.........talking about yourself again?

Anonymous said...

So how much money did he have to pay Coon this time?

Anonymous said...

It's seems unnessary to talk about PK kids. I hope those post get jerked.

Anonymous said...

What did you all think of the SETXABJ event Thursday at the Elegante'?

Amgin2116 said...

Where for can I find a copy of Mr. Philip Klein's book?

Anonymous said...

Amgin2116, in any dumpster.

Anonymous said...

The question is when will Faux4 begin to subscribe to Nielsen Ratings?

Anonymous said...

Nobody said anything negative about the baby, just about his moronic grandfather. and honestly even that was tame compared to how Klein has blasted and libeled so many in the area. If you can't take it, don't dish it out, Phily boy.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Angel Sand Won
Ur boy Klein sinking fast. Keep him on the air after indictments of perjury are issued. Ur gig will be all he'll have.

Anonymous said...

You people sound like a bunch of dicks. Get a real life!

Anonymous said...

Don't mention dicks--it excites ASJ

Anonymous said...

I heard from a friend at the DA's office that they were seriously looking at John Morgan and that Klein was 60/40

Anonymous said...

I heard Klein was in California and knew nothing until he got back to this red neck back ass city. You bunch of dumb fucks don't know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

So Maness is finally going after Klein?

Anonymous said...

More dumb Fuck back woods comments from back woods dumb fucks.

Anonymous said...

They are waiting for some hearing later this month. Klein is supposed to be a witness.

Anonymous said...

Just like all the other times on this backwards ass dumb Fuck web site. A bunch of backwoods dumb fucks that think they know something. This blog has predicted Klein would go to jail for three years. Nothing but hot Fucking air. Shut the Fuck up and start talking about who is Fucking who in the newsroom.

Anonymous said...

I can say he doesn't deserve it. That man lies more than congress

Anonymous said...

Brian, calm down. Instead of trying to be a wanna-be roadie for a rock band, trying reading the news.

Anonymous said...

So what did the fucktard do this time?

Anonymous said...

No matter what you may think of him, please pray for Philip Klein as he is having surgery today.

Anonymous said...

A brain implant?

Anonymous said...

When you say 'fucktard' do you mean Brian of Philip?

Anonymous said...

Pray the surgeon says "UT OH!" That was mean wasn't it? No, I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you know how Fucking stupid you sound? Beaumont backwoods dicks. Beaumont is the joke of southeast Texas.

Anonymous said...

What if I don't live in Beaumont?

Anonymous said...

What if my daughter lives in Beaumont but I don't? Is she a backwoods dumbfuck?

Anonymous said...

Evidently Klein swore out some affidavit in his case against Coon that Coon sent some email. It turns out the affidavit was false and that Klein altered the email identifier numbers to make it look like it came from Coon when it really didn't. Typical of Philip only this time he did it in front of a Judge.

Anonymous said...

More stupid dumb fucking people. Really you people are so fucking stupid. Grow the fuck up.

Philipp Bretz said...

Whistling past the graveyard?

Anonymous said...

has asj told prk the news yet?

Anonymous said...

"We wish him well in his future endeavors."

Anonymous said...

Do you backwards hicks really believe the shit that dribbled out of your mouth? Get a fucking life!

Anonymous said...

Wat da madder Philly? You wurried da bad ol DA puddy cat gonna bite ur head off?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really believe the typed diarrhea that PRK spews?

Anonymous said...

Look at you stupid fucktards. Klein keeps kicking your ass and you keep crying. Big surprises coming for you fucktards!

Sam Vaknin said...


NPD said...

Behaves arrogantly and haughtily. Feels superior, omnipotent, omniscient, invincible, immune, "above the law", and omnipresent (magical thinking). Rages when frustrated, contradicted, or confronted by people he or she considers inferior to him or her and unworthy.

Anonymous said...

Man that is Klein to a T.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should ask Brent Coon who kicked who's ass.

Anonymous said...

Reading these comments is like watching a group of retards try and guess who shit in whose pants.

Anonymous said...

That is Matt Woodyard defending Klein. He is the only Idiot who uses the term"fucktard". Woodyard's day is coming just like Klein's.

Anonymous said...

I'm also of the opinion that Woodyard is most likely behind the "fucktard" posts. Such an eloquent speaker...

Anonymous said...

Of course you're not Philip. Noone things you're Philip. Now just lay back and tell Dr. Vaknin about your childhood.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you know how stupid you sound? Where is your fucking DA? Fuck him and fuck you. Redneck backwoods fucktards! Sitting on the internet with nothing to do but act like you know something? Go Fuck off and keep wishing you knew something.

Anonymous said...

Not Klein. Not Woodyard. Live in Houston now and worked in the media for years. Beaumont is a joke with nothing but backwoods hicks that think they are something. Most of you could not make it out of beaumont. Keep guessing fucktards!

Anonymous said...

Mhmmm righttt... I believe we may be missing an online melt down... hope the liquor and gun cabinets are firmly locked at not-Matt's house...

Anonymous said...

Woodyard, you don't live in Houston and the closest you ever came to the media was serving as a bad DJ at our Christmas party. How's that repeat business going?

Anonymous said...

Is that the same Matt Woodyard that got caught whacking off in a bar on Crockett street a few years ago?

Anonymous said...

I think its pretty clear that Klein is having a meltdown.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he should see a shrink in San Antonio for a new prescription on his meds.

Amgin2116 said...

I hear Belize has some great head doctors.

Sam Vaknin said...

"Mr. Klein nor anyone here at the Review writes anything on any other web site without signing his name."

Of course you do Philip. Now tell me, when was the first time you realized you disliked stuffed animals?

Anonymous said...

Orange Leader closing? Merging with PA Snooze? Good move.

Anonymous said...

Two weeks ago the U.S. Attorney dismisses all charges of Hurricane Fraud charges against the Liberty County Judge and now the Kountze Baptist Church gets a handwritten letter from the chief Malcolm Bales telling them that God, and not the Department of Justice, will take care of the arsonists. I hate to agree with Klein but whats up with that?

Anonymous said...

Consider the source. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Attorney would write a handwritten note to a victim telling him that God would seek justice. Klein's up to his old crap again.

Anonymous said...

That may be so. But my source at the ATF says they have a solid case and doesn't know why Bales is acting this way.

Anonymous said...

It's fucktard time again on this dead blog. Klein puts up a letter and all the fucktard media can say is Klein made it up. He could shit on your face and you would call it piss. Dickheads

Anonymous said...

Settle down Matt

Anonymous said...

I don't think Klein made this one up. There is something very strange going on at the U.S. Attorney's office. Nobody wants to talk about it.

Blind Hog said...

Klein is both right and wrong. He is right that there is a connection. He just hasn't found it yet. He is wrong about Bales being a good man. HINT: Find out about the drowned child.

It's funny that Klein all of a sudden is the standard bearer in this matter. Maybe he'll prove himself yet. Too bad Jerry is gone but I feel certain Wayne would have put a gag in his mouth.

Oh what a tangled web...

Anonymous said...,7a730927&icp=1&.intl=us&sig=nf2U2zHkMXCdJ0b_TGF6YA--

You just gotta hate search engine caches. Now why would the Enterprise pull this?

Anonymous said...

brian forehead rocks!

Anonymous said...

Hope The Examiner doesn't close, people with bird cages love their paper.

Anonymous said...

Why do you losers continue to bash people? Are you upset that you aren't being bashed?

Anonymous said...

Why did Reaud fire Jordan?

Anonymous said...

Who is Jordan?

Anonymous said...

Jordan was some kind of ace reporter but his career was cut short when he finally stepped on the wrong toes. Jordan is working on a new story, standing in the long unemployment line.

Anonymous said...

Boy Klein looks stupid.

Anonymous said...

I thought what he said rings true. This place is fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Philip Klein wouldn't know the truth if it sat on his head and farted.

Anonymous said...

The stupid fucks on this blog are everywhere. It is fucktard time! The truth is you are a fucktard!

Anonymous said...

Klein has lied and made up so much shit so many times, would anyone believe him even if he did tell the truth?

Anonymous said...

Someone call Wayne and tell him Philip is misbehaving again.

Anonymous said...

Will Faux4 ever go out and find them a story? Quit piggy-backing.

Anonymous said...

Trog, how about a thread- "what happened to Jerry Jordan"...

Anonymous said...

He got fired.

Anonymous said...

I wish you people would answer my question - who is jerry jordan?

Anonymous said...

To Philip Klein:

I was told that you run this forum and decided to post here since you don't seem to allow people to post on your website.

Your comments on Kip Lamb are farcical at best. A fugitive arrested in another state is not allowed a bond as long as he is a fugitive (hence the term fugitive). That status varies from state to state and is generally governed by the Interstate Agreement on Detainer's Act. I don't expect you to know this nor do I even think you will ask someone because you generally seem to just make shit up. Upon determination as to whether or not the State of Texas will extradite Mr. Lamb (generally done through the execution of a Governor's warrant), the host state will either extradite, refuse for some raised legal ground (and set a hearing), or release the prisoner. Upon his return to the charging jurisdiction, he will be arraigned and then entitled to a bond.

As to his charges, Mr. Lamb is indicted on a very serious charge. According to the allegations, he converted funds placed in his trust account to his personal use. That is the equivalent of taking someones money and is considered a crime. If you truly had anyone at the District Attorney's office that would speak to you without laughing hysterically, they would have told you that the amount was not several hundred thousand dollars but well over a million. You could also have found this information on The Southeast Texas Record but that would have required you to actually do some investigation. The Record also tends to use big words which I don't expect you to understand so the oversight is understandable. This is much different from making bad business decisions as a trustee (like when you are the trustee of your children's inheritance and invest them in your own fast food restaurant that subsequently is bankrupted). I doubt very seriously that Kip will be able to "shoot the money gun" and make this all go away but we will see.

On that note, I am still eagerly awaiting the arrest of Steve Stockman that you so profoundly predicted several months ago. How's that warrant going?

P.S. I was going to sign my name but I have been told that you are very adept at tracking internet posts so I thought I'd just give you some practice.

Anonymous said...

A source of a source told me that Klein's Amazon.com book sold only 27 copies in the month of April. People don't give a shit about Pat McDermott.
P.S. Allen Ritter is tired of Philip Klein and wants the money owed Ritter Lumber from Klein's bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

To Philip Klein:

UFAP is a Federal Statute. It's use requires certain prerequisites from the U.S. Attorney's office, none of which had been met yet in this case. It's use would have been premature-like most of your predictions.

I did not realize there was more than one "TROG" site. Interesting that you claim to always sign your name yet admit running an anonymous website that criticizes the media. I take it that we are to believe, based simply upon your word, that you don't administer this site as well. Are you a liar, a hypocrite, or both?

So Mr. Stockman will be arrested shortly. Wonderful. Can't wait (for some reason though I don't think I'll hold my breath). How about the five BISD administrators that you claimed would be indicted "within the week" a year ago? How's the judicial investigation of Judge Walker coming? Oh, and the indictments of the members of the Port Arthur Housing Authority, will they be "next week" as well?

Anonymous said...

Look at this. Another fucktard. This fucktard says that Klein's numbers are fucked up. Not so the media says. More bullshit from some backwards ass dumb fuck in stinking Jefferson stinking tejas!

Anonymous said...

why hasn't that fucktard sutton posted anything since april 26? is his wife a bulldagge? she look like one.

Mr. Macaroni said...

Sutton & Jacobs are looking at bankruptcy. Leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

sutton is looking at bankruptcy because he is a fucktard. i was whacking off on crockett street when i heard him talking about stealing money with kip lamb.

Anonymous said...

PK will probably do for Fox TV what he did for Fox radio. Remember, the station that went off the air after they let him on the air? Oh, well.

PK said that Sam Kittrell will be police chief in Beaumont, that Paul Bergen was leaving Channel 12 and I think he also said Jackie is leaving. Damn, with that many predictions even Jean Dixon would at least hit one correctly. The sad thing is if one of those does actually happen, even if it is 15 years from now, he will be puffing up his chest saying he knew it all along.

PK, if you really believe what you say on your blog, why not archive it online? Why is it you have never kept your words in writing more than a week?

Tort Boy said...
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Sterile DJ said...
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012362842 said...
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Glutton and Jerkoff said...
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Anonymous said...
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Texas Driver said...
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Punkboy said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Trog said...

I have once again removed comments relating to the publishing of personal identification numbers. This will not be tolerated. Comments will be monitored until further notice. This is a media blog. If you want to harp on lawyers, go somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

I saw U-Hauls at the Orange Leader this morning. Another rag bites the dust.

Anonymous said...

Why is Faux 4 boycotting the press club awards? In the past, they have made a big deal about winning a few awards?

What gives? No $$$ for entries?

Anonymous said...

PK going to the press club awards? I know he co-horts at Fox aren't. Boycotting from what I heard.

Anonymous said...

You obviously didn't go because FOX4 was at the head table.

Anonymous said...

press club is a joke. please...a total joke..youve got pr people from refineries on the board..really?? WTF People with freaking blogs??? Wannabee's is what they are

Anonymous said...

Not looking good for Jerry Jordan and Setinvestigates.com, only 42 subscriptions since the kick off. Jerry can't feed himself on $84/month.

Anonymous said...

setinvestigates.com Overview
setinvestigates.com has 9483156 traffic rank in world by alexa. setinvestigates.com is getting 115 pageviews per day and making USD 0.35 daily. setinvestigates.com has 0 backlinks according to yahoo and currently not listed in Dmoz directory. setinvestigates.com is hosted in United States at SingleHop data center. setinvestigates.com is most populer in . Estimeted worth of setinvestigates.com is USD 255.5 according to websiteoutlook

Anonymous said...

How you know how many subscriptions he has?

Anonymous said...

Yesterday on Faux4 Live, Jerry said he had 200 subscribers. So he actually had about 100 in the real world. If you take 200X2=400, still short of feeding Jerry. Didn't stupid Klein write the site would take off with 10,000 paying members?

Anonymous said...

Funny, things happen in the courtroom with PK and suddenly the underground blog fades...HMMMM